Pele and Her Sister, mixed media collage, 14"x14"
Pele, mixed media collage, 12"x12"
Pele, water soluble crayon and watercolor, 12"x10"
The Return of Pele, mixed media collage, 8"x12"
Pele Arrives on New Year's Day, colored pencil, 12"x10"
Pele Flying, mixed media collage, 12.5"x11"
Pele From the Plane, oil on canvas, 60"x48"
Photograph taken above Maui, of upside down Pele in the earth. This is the image that these Pele artworks are based on.
Pele Goes Fishing, mixed media collage, 18"x24"
Pele From the Air, fabric collage, 33"x23"